Dedicated to All Those Affected By Cancer In This Small World!
“The human body can survive for roughly 30 days without food and live for three days without water. But no human alive can survive for more than 30 seconds without hope, because without hope we have nothing." Sean Swarner - Cancer Survivor / Climber / Motivational Speaker
Sean Swarner was born in Ohio, USA. An active child with aspirations of becoming an Olympic swimmer, Sean encountered great struggles at a very early age. When he was only 13 he was diagnosed with Stage IV Hodgkin’s Lymphoma – doctors only gave him a few months to live.
After ten months of intensive treatment Sean went into remission. His illness had turned his life upside down but he was alive. A routine check-up less than one year later sadly uncovered a tumor in Sean’s lung. This second, unrelated attack by the more aggressive Askin’s Disease was sure to end the 16-year-old's life. He was given 14 days to live. Instead of giving up, Sean bravely chose to fight again and did so for 13 long months during which he lost the function of his sick lung. He astounded the medical community for a second time when he ultimately defeated cancer once again. It was now clear to Sean that after having survived battles with two deadly cancers, no challenge in his future would ever be too great. Determined to start over and chase his dreams, Sean decided to go to college. There, he was rather known as a swimmer and outdoor enthusiast: “I wanted people to know me for who I was, not what I had been through. I did not want pity; none of the ‘poor Sean’ stuff.” Realizing how helpful his words could be for others, Sean became increasingly open about his past. Wanting to help people who were going through what he did, in 2001 he and his brother established 'The CancerClimber Association', a non-profit organization that offers hope through inspirational stories and gives adventure support grants to cancer survivors.
After finding out that no cancer survivor had ever climbed Mount Everest, Sean decided to take it upon himself to be the first who did. Only eight months of training later, he reached the summit of Mount Everest and in the name of his organization buried a flag on the top that bared the names of people touched by cancer. Driven to make an even larger impact, Sean set as his goal to climbe the Seven Summits – the highest mountain on each of the world’s seven continents. After five years of climbing, in 2007, Sean finally achieved his incredible goal planting his seventh CancerClimber flag on Alaska’s Mount Denali. This was still not enough. In 2008, Sean accomplished another unbelievable feat; he completed The Ironman World Championship in Hawaii.
Today, Sean continues his quest of inspiration by traveling across the globe giving life-changing talks. He is still an avid mountaineer and is now aiming to travel to the North and South Poles – always spreading his “keep climbing” message.
Why did you agree to become an Amazer?
When I was told I had 14 days to live, I knew the odds were stacked against me and I had two choices… fight for my life, or die. I chose to fight with everything I had and enjoy life. After surviving those cancers, I knew I had to give back, and as my responsibility as a survivor became more clear, I wanted to not just give back, but change lives. My brother and I founded The CancerClimber Association with the intent of helping others now, not years down the road when the funding for medicine finally gets approved. There are too many people out there who are alive, but not truly living. People need to understand there’s a difference and we all need to live a life that matters.
What gave you the strength to fight when all the odds were so stacked against you?
There were many times I wanted to give up, and if I said I was constantly positive, that would be a lie. Everyone living has ups and downs, trials and tribulations, but there has to be something within each person that keeps them moving forward, keeps them struggling, fighting and wanting more. I found that strength through faith, humor, and a never-say-die attitude that was instilled in me through my parents. Everyone has the ability to “Keep Climbing!” and reaching their own potential, just as I have… and more.
What would you say to people whose life situation is “normal” to inspire them to become more?
Everyone is motivated by different factors… money, fame, love, power… whatever motivates you, it’s ultimately your choice to move forward with your goals and stay in line with what you want to do. I can help motivate you, I can help you set goals, and help you accomplish those goals, however you have to continue burning that fire yourself. That desire must be done personally. I help people around the world with goal setting, motivating them, and helping them climb their own Everest. If you’d like help with becoming the best you can be, please let me know and I’ll help you make it happen, but remember, it must come from inside YOU.

Sean Swarner was born in Ohio, USA. An active child with aspirations of becoming an Olympic swimmer, Sean encountered great struggles at a very early age. When he was only 13 he was diagnosed with Stage IV Hodgkin’s Lymphoma – doctors only gave him a few months to live.
After ten months of intensive treatment Sean went into remission. His illness had turned his life upside down but he was alive. A routine check-up less than one year later sadly uncovered a tumor in Sean’s lung. This second, unrelated attack by the more aggressive Askin’s Disease was sure to end the 16-year-old's life. He was given 14 days to live. Instead of giving up, Sean bravely chose to fight again and did so for 13 long months during which he lost the function of his sick lung. He astounded the medical community for a second time when he ultimately defeated cancer once again. It was now clear to Sean that after having survived battles with two deadly cancers, no challenge in his future would ever be too great. Determined to start over and chase his dreams, Sean decided to go to college. There, he was rather known as a swimmer and outdoor enthusiast: “I wanted people to know me for who I was, not what I had been through. I did not want pity; none of the ‘poor Sean’ stuff.” Realizing how helpful his words could be for others, Sean became increasingly open about his past. Wanting to help people who were going through what he did, in 2001 he and his brother established 'The CancerClimber Association', a non-profit organization that offers hope through inspirational stories and gives adventure support grants to cancer survivors.
After finding out that no cancer survivor had ever climbed Mount Everest, Sean decided to take it upon himself to be the first who did. Only eight months of training later, he reached the summit of Mount Everest and in the name of his organization buried a flag on the top that bared the names of people touched by cancer. Driven to make an even larger impact, Sean set as his goal to climbe the Seven Summits – the highest mountain on each of the world’s seven continents. After five years of climbing, in 2007, Sean finally achieved his incredible goal planting his seventh CancerClimber flag on Alaska’s Mount Denali. This was still not enough. In 2008, Sean accomplished another unbelievable feat; he completed The Ironman World Championship in Hawaii.
Today, Sean continues his quest of inspiration by traveling across the globe giving life-changing talks. He is still an avid mountaineer and is now aiming to travel to the North and South Poles – always spreading his “keep climbing” message.
Why did you agree to become an Amazer?
When I was told I had 14 days to live, I knew the odds were stacked against me and I had two choices… fight for my life, or die. I chose to fight with everything I had and enjoy life. After surviving those cancers, I knew I had to give back, and as my responsibility as a survivor became more clear, I wanted to not just give back, but change lives. My brother and I founded The CancerClimber Association with the intent of helping others now, not years down the road when the funding for medicine finally gets approved. There are too many people out there who are alive, but not truly living. People need to understand there’s a difference and we all need to live a life that matters.

What gave you the strength to fight when all the odds were so stacked against you?
There were many times I wanted to give up, and if I said I was constantly positive, that would be a lie. Everyone living has ups and downs, trials and tribulations, but there has to be something within each person that keeps them moving forward, keeps them struggling, fighting and wanting more. I found that strength through faith, humor, and a never-say-die attitude that was instilled in me through my parents. Everyone has the ability to “Keep Climbing!” and reaching their own potential, just as I have… and more.
What would you say to people whose life situation is “normal” to inspire them to become more?
Everyone is motivated by different factors… money, fame, love, power… whatever motivates you, it’s ultimately your choice to move forward with your goals and stay in line with what you want to do. I can help motivate you, I can help you set goals, and help you accomplish those goals, however you have to continue burning that fire yourself. That desire must be done personally. I help people around the world with goal setting, motivating them, and helping them climb their own Everest. If you’d like help with becoming the best you can be, please let me know and I’ll help you make it happen, but remember, it must come from inside YOU.

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Dedicated to All Those Affected By Cancer In This Small World!
Reviewed by Eli Snow
4:40 AM

طرق مكافحة النمل
ReplyDeleteالوقود مثل البنزين والديزل: عن طريق سكبه على منازل النمل ، فهي فعالة في قتل النمل ، والقضاء عليها بشكل دائم.
البوريكس: يساعد على التخلص من النمل بفعالية ، وذلك بخلط ملعقتين كبيرتين من السكر مع ملعقتين كبيرتين من الحمض وكوب من الماء ، ثم صب هذا الخليط على بيت النمل.
الصابون والماء: تستخدم هذه الطريقة عن طريق وضع كبريتين من الشامبو أو الصابون في كوب من الماء ، ثم يهز وتوضع على منازل النمل وموقعه ، وتطبيق هذه الطريقة عدة مرات كفيل في التخلص من النمل.
الكحول: يتم ملء البخاخة بنصف كحول والنصف الآخر بالماء ويهز جيدًا ، ثم يرش على الأماكن التي يتجمع فيها النمل ويطبق هذه الطريقة يساعد في اختفاء النمل تدريجياً.
الطباشير أو مسحوق الطفل: يتم ذلك عن طريق رسم خطوط حول مداخل النمل.
قشر الخيار: يستخدم كمادة سامة للنمل ، حيث يتم تطبيقه على النمل.
السمسم: السمسم هي إحدى الطرق لصد النمل ؛ فهو يساعد على تعطيل الشعور بالرائحة في النمل ، وهو أهم معنى يقوم به النمل لجمع الطعام.
التوابل: وسيلة فعالة لمكافحة النمل ، من خلال رش الفلفل الحار أو القرنفل أو الثوم حول منازل النمل وأماكن التجميع.
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