I Will Never Trust My Eyes Again After Seeing This. It’s Beautifully Mind-Blowing.
As unbelievable as it may sound, these are all hand-painted paintings by artist Jason de Graaf. His hyperrealistic paintings are all created with incredibly delicate brush strokes that result in the appearance of a high definition photograph more than a painting.

Jason says this about his work:
“My paintings are about staging an alternate reality, an illusion of verisimilitude on the painted surface. I try to use objects as a vehicle to express myself, tell a story or least hint at something beyond what is actually painted. Therefore I try to choose objects that have meaning to me or are artifacts from my life.”
Jason de Graaf at work…in his own painting. This piece is simply titled “Untitled”.

“Parallel Lines That Never Meet”



“A Perfect Day In Which Nothing Really Happened”

“Pachyderm’s Dilemma”

“Ice Palace”

You could say his work is quite…reflective.
Clearly he’s some sort of a magician, or he sold his soul for this exceptional talent. It’s the only way to explain this.
Source: Higher Perspective

Jason says this about his work:
“My paintings are about staging an alternate reality, an illusion of verisimilitude on the painted surface. I try to use objects as a vehicle to express myself, tell a story or least hint at something beyond what is actually painted. Therefore I try to choose objects that have meaning to me or are artifacts from my life.”
Jason de Graaf at work…in his own painting. This piece is simply titled “Untitled”.

“Parallel Lines That Never Meet”



“A Perfect Day In Which Nothing Really Happened”

“Pachyderm’s Dilemma”

“Ice Palace”

You could say his work is quite…reflective.
Clearly he’s some sort of a magician, or he sold his soul for this exceptional talent. It’s the only way to explain this.
Source: Higher Perspective
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I Will Never Trust My Eyes Again After Seeing This. It’s Beautifully Mind-Blowing.
Reviewed by Eli Snow
7:35 AM

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