This Video Made The Whole World Cry. Must Watch!

Russian video that made the whole world cry. There is still hope on this world.

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This Video Made The Whole World Cry. Must Watch! This Video Made The Whole World Cry. Must Watch! Reviewed by Eli Snow on 6:58 AM Rating: 5


  1. Stuff like this happens everyday in Pittsburgh Pa.

  2. no matter what..we are the same..we love each world..

  3. Dear God tonight when I close my eyes to sleep , it will be morning somewhere else . I have no control of what happens , but if I may ask U to please take care of the ones that need U and need help through someone else , please place them in their paths ... Amen !!!

  4. Edgar CAyce said that out of Russia would come the hope of the world. After 2000, when all the earth changes start happening, Russia is supposed to be the hope of the world. I can see where there is still hope for us all.

    1. A Russian billionaire was interviewed by Charlie Rose. Rose asked him who was the most powerful leader in the world and his response was Putin. I am a fan of his and I do believe Edgar Cayce is right. Russia is hope.

  5. This is the way we were created to be. We just learnt to be selfish!

    1. Really.... Got to love internet spelling police.

      Definition of LEARNT

      chiefly British past and past participle of learn

  6. ...just normal...what world are we living if these situations looks "heroic" ?

  7. there are good people everywhere in the world, specially in front of a camera.

  8. People in general can be cruel,selfish and heartless. But there are still SOME truly good and kindhearted people left in every nationality.

  9. How many of you could honestly say they would do the same?

  10. Хотелось бы чтобы Всем и всегда так везло - тогда меньше горя было бы у людей

  11. This small act, bags lot of effect, when you find yourself seconds away from destruction, disasters, misfortune,calamity or catastrophe(you name it).
    Having compassion(plus Wisdom) in oneself is the greatest quality that one can desire for. Rest doesn't matters.

  12. Замечательное видео! Замечательные люди! Замечательные поступки! Желаю всем мира и добра! Будьте здоровы, хорошие люди!

  13. Great video....Great people

  14. WOW - there are a lot of Russians with dashboard cameras isn't there?

    1. They have a lot of insurance fraud,so they use the cameras to protect themselves in case of a law suit.

  15. Extending a hand tyo one in need offering a cup of cold water to a thirsty man or a sandwich to a hungry child is simple...well I am simple and it is catching, pass it along do random deeds of kindness and you will never be alone never be in want.

  16. be a better person that good for another person

  17. There are three types of people in this world... those who see.... those who see when they are shown and those who refuse to see. If you live with eyes wide open... you know this.

  18. toll,das russische autofahrer auch anders können.......sah bislang immer aufnahmen von diesen crash.cameras.daumen hoch!!!!

  19. didn't even cry. IT IS A MUST. If you respect yourself, respect others. That's life.

  20. You won't find this in Mexico.

  21. Awesome! :3 I love this video

  22. My Aunt Father and Grandparents were immigrants in 1912

  23. These are not random acts of kindness, these are staged acts of kindness, otherwise there wouldn't be a camera conveniently placed at each "act" filmed. Nothing heart warming to me. If it were an accidental filming it would be more believable, but this is not the case.

    1. In Russia, there is a lot insurance fraud, and most drivers install a dashboard camera to protect them in case someone falsely claims they hit them, etc. Some of these might be set ups, sure, but dashboard cameras are not uncommon there.

  24. I live in the UK where all respect for the people that built the country has gone, Cow towe rules are the order of the day, if ethnic minorities want it, the rest be damned. Russia has problems like any state but if this is how it looks after its elderly I would move there tomorrow, GOOD ON YOU, and total respect.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Considering all these numerous hateful comments, I'd say the world has still got long way to go for peace.

  27. kindness is in everyone, and it is a joy to give away. fr. john nelson Orthodox church

  28. My God bless all of You. For His Love is still present in a dark world. :)

  29. somewhere someone is trying to make this place a better world ....... god bless us all....

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