Stunning Finland Night Photography by Mikko Lagerstedt

Stunning Finland Night Photography by Mikko LagerstedtThe talented Finnish photographer Mikko Lagerstedt recently released night II, a collection of night time photographs captured in Finland in 2013 and 2014. His images are Utterly captivating, full of imagination that endeavors to relay a sense of magic after dark..

Stunning Finland Night Photography by Mikko Lagerstedt

Stunning Finland Night Photography by Mikko Lagerstedt

Stunning Finland Night Photography by Mikko Lagerstedt

Stunning Finland Night Photography by Mikko Lagerstedt

Stunning Finland Night Photography by Mikko Lagerstedt

Stunning Finland Night Photography by Mikko Lagerstedt

Stunning Finland Night Photography by Mikko Lagerstedt

Stunning Finland Night Photography by Mikko Lagerstedt

Stunning Finland Night Photography by Mikko Lagerstedt

Stunning Finland Night Photography by Mikko Lagerstedt

Source: Where Cool Things Happen
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Stunning Finland Night Photography by Mikko Lagerstedt Stunning Finland Night Photography by Mikko Lagerstedt Reviewed by Eli Snow on 5:40 AM Rating: 5


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