This Festival Is Absolutely Must For Your Lifetime!

The Harbin festival is the largest snow and ice festival in the world, and it features carvings towering over 20 feet in height and full-size buildings made from gigantic blocks of ice.

The festival officially starts in January 5th every year, but the locals begin to celebrate the festival in the third week of December of the previous year because most of the ice lanterns, ice and snow sculptures are completed by this time. Depending on the weather conditions and activities, the festival usually last until the end of February.

This Festival Is Absolutely Must For Your Lifetime!

This Festival Is Absolutely Must For Your Lifetime!

This Festival Is Absolutely Must For Your Lifetime!

Source: See.Place
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This Festival Is Absolutely Must For Your Lifetime! This Festival Is Absolutely Must For Your Lifetime! Reviewed by Eli Snow on 4:27 AM Rating: 5


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